For achieving mission, strategy, policy we need to make some strategy about our business and it is very essential to make a good strategy to gain our business success. And also we will think that under in which strategic business unites our business run and our business control by which business unite. And need to make a proper strategy for that business unit and for firm also.
Some organization gives a lots of freedom to set there business strategy and some organization set their business strategy from their head office or from their corporate office. It is basically run by the strategy from the organization. But it is not very important that who make the strategy plan then it is important that strategic planning is how much effective in hic SBU or how much profit will earn by using this strategy..
Normally for making a strategic business plan we are following some kinds of planning activity those are: Defining the corporate mission: It is very important that what will be the mission of the organization and how they will archive that mission. To archive this kind of Moto Company need to define some factor, what is their business, what is the value of their customer, who is the customer, what will our business be what our business should be.
Establishing strategic business unites: most of the company in world wide operates in various businesses unites, and most of the time they define their business on the basis of their product. And it is important to define that the strategic business unite be unique and that follow the business strategy only for that unit. In here we can define our business on the basis of the customer group, customer needs and technology and basis of this three dimension we can easily define our strategic business unites.
Assigning resources on the SBU: we need to assigning resource on the strategic business unite each year. He here we need to think that which business run in which category and which business gives most profit for us and on the basis of those things we will provide resources for each unite. If any business is in question marks then we will provide more money on that strategic business unit and which is situated in cash cow we will provide less amount of money for that SBU. But before assigning money we need to define clearly what business situate in which area.
Last of the section we need to think that what business gives us profit what business does not gives any profit on the basis of that we will run our business and we will stop our business, and also think to develop our new business decision. If we have the opportunity or have enough money to invest then we will establish new business.
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