Every Company Wants to Be a Peacock in the Land of Penguin in order to appreciate the importance of being different than your competition. One has to admit that the copycats at best, may only get the crumbs and the crumbs are not going to sustain a viable business.
Having said that, there is no other way to gain market dominance but by having an outstanding product and market it similar to a peacock in the land of penguins. Of course, it is easy to be a penguin, they all look alike and they all are a copy of one another. Obviously, it is extremely difficult to be a peacock in the land of penguins, but it is not impossible and when you achieve it, I am sure you will enjoy maximum market share and you will find that all of the difficulties were well worth the effort.
Marketing information systems (MKIS) are decision support systems targeted at marketing-specific decisions. One of the most widely disseminated MKIS models divides the marketing decision universe into four domains and links these domains to each other and to other marketing activities. Unfortunately, there is little guidance on the construction of specific MKIS targeted at problems in these domains or to the construction of integrated MKIS that span domains.
This paper advocates the use of geographic information systems (GIS) as a DSS generator for constructing MKIS. The paper reviews the technical capabilities of GIS and shows how these capabilities align with accepted elements of MKIS. We see that a unique advantage of GIS over other MKIS technologies is its ability to integrate information from disparate sources and spanning multiple decision domains when a single decision requires this capability.
The paper then uses a decision making resource-based approach and the four elements of the marketing mix to propose a research agenda for increasing our understanding of GIS as an MKIS technology.
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