The buying process is concerned with some process and it follows some way that is important factor for a marketer. Most of the time marketer follows the stages to develop their product. Also they will follows the process when the product launce in market to know the buying behavior.
The product will be effective when the marketer will be concern about their product selling. And will be concern about the buying process of the consumer. The consumer most of the time search their alternative and best of the product and also want to know the price and the others that is related with the product.
The buying process follows the process those are: problem recognition- in this process the consumer thinks that they have need about the product. Normally they fill something about the product or they are missing the benefit opportunity in their mind. . They want to achieve that product and want to get the benefit of the product. And normally they want to buy the product for getting the benefit of the product.
Information search- when they think that they need to buy that product and when thy fill that they need to own the product at that time they want some information about the product. Then the consumer inters in the active information search and they use various kinds of ways to search information. Normally they use reading materials, make a phone call on their friends to know the product opportunity and other about product. And they also use the commercial sources, public sources and also experiential sources to know about the product.
Evaluation of alternative- when customer search search the information they does not know the single product behavior they know various kinds of the product. In this stage the customer normally use the alternative on the basis of their needs and they are searching what product best for them and what product meets their actual demand. Some basic information is here to help us to understand the process, the consumer is trying to satisfy a need. The consumer is looking for some benefits from the product. The consumer wants to know the various attributes on a product.
Purchase decision- when consumer find the alternative then they make a decision about buying the product. And in this stages customer want to know the attitude of other about the product, by the intensity of the other person negative attitude towards the consumer preferred alternative product. The consumer motivation to comply with the other person wishes.
After buying the product the consumer shows the post purchase behavior. And this process normally depends on the post purchase satisfaction, post purchase actions and on the post purchase use and disposal.
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